
Best Brains Offers FREE Online Content

After school learning center goes digital with online workbooks

By Hana Adas, Director of Operations May 2, 2020

Best Brains Learning Centers is now offering FREE printable workbooks for students in grades PreK-8 in response to shelter-in-place keeping children out of school and away from their after-school activities. Easily accessible and available to all students, completely free. Best Brains online content offers solutions for parents looking for screen-free content they can trust.

In a statement issued by the company’s President Ajay Sunkara, he stated, “These weekly workbooks have been made free for all students across the world to combat the amount of screen time children are faced with. We wanted to counteract this with educational activities parents can download to keep their children engaged while learning.”

With 150 locations and growing, Best Brains is a well-established brand which parents could rely on for educational needs. With the shelter in place, not only have they completely renovated their model to allow their one-on-one teaching method to go online, but they have added extra features to share the quality that Best Brains customers have come to trust with the entire community. In addition to free online workbooks, they have started a robust YouTube channel with educational content and worksheets for kids to follow along with. 

Best Brains Learning Centers provide enrichment to students ages 3-14 and is available to students across the US, Canada, and Jordan. They are best known for offering one-on-one student interaction from certified teachers in a safe classroom environment. Their non-repetitive model and highly qualified staff leads to high student engagement and excitement, as well as parent satisfaction.