
Thanksgiving Writing Contest - Stories submitted

November 21, 2019

Here we have the entries for the Thanksgiving Writing Contest - Your Kid Thankful Story and Artwork. Thank you to these lovely siblings for sharing their thankfull note and story with us. 

Thankfull note: 

I am very thankful to have a younger sister named Sahana which means endurance, grade 4, she gives me  joy in times of sadness and entertains me all the time. Sahana is excellent in reading and scores way higher than her level expected from her teachers. The exquisite things she has done always inspires me, I admire the things she sacrifices to keep out her work and help with mine. In other words she always keeps going and never has a negative attitude. Sahana will never let anyone down not even you. She is very trustworthy too and I can share my secrets with her. We argue, we fight but we are still best friends forever. What else do you need in your life when you have my little sister?

Aarav Valayil, grade 6, age11 years

Aarav favorite subject is math and he loves to draw. He has won many awards for drawing at State level.

TIME MACHINE - a short story about Thanksgiving 

THUMP! I slammed the door and yelled at my friends, “ I don't need such friends and I’m not going to help you with your Thanksgiving project. I’ve got popularity by my side, just go away guys”. Angrily I stomped away in the woods and didn't know where I was heading. Trying to calm myself down, I suddenly heard a rustle in the bushes. Though I was frustrated but curious to see what was the sound. As I got closer and closer, I could hear the sound louder and louder, “Beep Boop , Beep Boop.”

 “Woah! what on earth is this?” It was unique, extraordinary and humongous. That’s when I realized it was a time machine. My suspense couldn’t hold any longer and entered the time machine. Eagerly I pressed one of the button. Scared yet puzzled to believe that time was running backwards 2019,  1921, 1821, 1721 and finally it stopped at year 1621. 

Hey I’m almost 400 years back. Sneaking myself to the village, I was surprised to see people dancing, singing and eating turkey, corn, pumpkins and cranberries. I couldn’t understand what was happening. Luckily I spotted a girl my age. With tremendous courage I asked her, “ What’s going on here?” A little dazzled she spoke up and said, “Oh, you do not know! My family came from Europe by the ship named Mayflower. As it took a long time to reach, we were out of food and it started snowing too. That’s when the Indians gave us food, clothing and shelter. They also taught us how to grow maize, hunt and fish to survive the bitter winter. We no longer starve. Therefore we are thanking them by celebrating it together with food and music. So this is a thanksgiving feast.”

Wow, this really amazed me to know how they helped the pilgrims. I was so proud of my ancestors and now I understood why they were respecting my family so much. My popularity was passed down to me by my ancestors, and I need to respect it. This took me back and I suddenly realized that I shouldn’t have been so mean with my friends, rather help them out. Feeling so guilty that I wanted to return home in my present year 2019. I wanted to narrate my family story with my friends and share our popular family song which I learnt from the Indians and pilgrims. 

“Its 1621, thanksgiving with pilgrims and Indians.

Come together to eat, drink and have some fun” 

With this experience I learnt that I should be thankful for what I have been gifted for and help everybody around me.

Happy Thanksgivings friends and family!!

Sahana Valayil , grade 4 , age 9 years

Sahana loves to read and write poems. Dancing is her favorite hobby.